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Ojo con Letsbonus enero 30, 2011

Posted by M.E. in Uncategorized.
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Al contrartio de con Groupon y Groupalia, Letsbonus no especifica en los bonos que mandan a los clientes lo que va incluido.
Conclusión: se presenta un grupo de 10 personas ayer por la noche, y quieren cenar con los bonos. Pues … en la oferta viene muy bien especificado que es un menú con tapas y con arroz abanda.
‘Pues yo por la noche no ceno arroz’.
Pues señorita, no es culpa mía.
´Pues porque no me ha dicho que cuando hice la reserva que era con arroz abanda?’
‘ Tengo derecho a elegir de la carta’
Pues señorita, como puedo decir que pensaba que sabía leer?
Estando en la cama con lumbago, no tenía en el restaurante copia de la oferta, donde se especifica MUY claramente el arroz abanda. ¿Y quien soy yo para decir que la gente no puede cenar con arroz abanda?

Total que se fueron descontentos (por no saber leer), y nosotros con un sabor amargo en la boca. Conclusión: hay mucho listillo en este mundo.

Otra oferta especial diciembre 14, 2010

Posted by M.E. in Living the dream, Marketing.
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otra oferta (mejor dicho, ofertón) sale esta noche en http://www.groupon.es para Alicante – alguna sorpresa para los que quieren ir de copas los fines de semana con el presupuesto ajustado pero que quieren calidad y cantidad.

Algo ¡muy especial!



Groupon, groupalia etc. diciembre 14, 2010

Posted by M.E. in Marketing.
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Asi que el tercer (o cuarto o quinto) intento funcionó bien.

Fui el primero en ofrecer algo con groupon justo antes del verano, ahora hemos tenido una promoción de arroz con bogavante que funcionó medianamente bien (130 personas) y ahora una caña con tapas – 485 bonos vendidos.

El sistema no sirve para vender – los precios que tenemos que aplicar (un descuento, luego la comisión de quien nos hace la promoción etc – impide sacar beneficio alguno. Pero por lo menos, la gente nos ve, vendrá (ya han pagado al intermediario) y llenamos … lo que siempre atrae mas gente.

En el arroz con bogavante pudimos sacar unas 130 ventas, mas lo que se vende en bebidas, entradas, cafés etc. Total, que se puede vivir un poco con ello. Hubo gente que sólo ha tomado agua o una copa de vino, esperando tranquilamente los 20 o 25 minutos para que se prepare todo, y hubo otros que obviamente tomaron primer plato etc. Total, algunos 3 euros la persona extra, otros 20 euros la persona extra.

Además te permite hacer una base de datos de clientes, por lo menos con sus teléfonos móviles, lo que permite hacer algo para el fin de año también.


Contento? Pues medianamente.

Mañana y pasado mañana salen otras dos promociones, y veremos.

Marketing on the costas diciembre 8, 2010

Posted by M.E. in Living the dream.
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For the last few years, the costas have been more like a desert than anything else.

A lot of foreigners came over to the Spanish costas thinking that Spain is now fully European (hmm), you do not need Spanish to survive or work, and, most importantly: Spain is cheap and here you do not have to work as hard as in the rest of Europe.  Oh, and in Spain the sun always shines and it’s never cold. Wrong on all accounts.

Little surprise that in the meanwhile, quite a few (i.e. most) of those who came here to live the spanish dream, have disappeared to pastures greener (i.e. with more possibilities for them and their families to get a free ride on social security etc.). It is reckoned (official figures are what they are, and it is very difficult to see the reality) that about half if not more of the 30 to 50 year olds who came on that basis to Spain, have left again, and the ones staying are mostly doing so because of negative equity. They just simply can’ t find someone to buy their flat, or can only find someone willing to pay half what they paid in the book years.

Not a great loss to Spain, as the ‘added value’ of the presence of these people was fairly limited, as anyone can say. Whole villages were built to cater for them, roads were built, social services expanded etc. And Spain now should wait for the next invasion – or not.

Marketing your services or products to an ever dwindling population (with a ‘haircut’ for the english of some extra 35% due to the devaluation of sterling) is hardly possible. The one big element, nearly all the time, is price. Price, price and price. And there is always one or another idiot who is willing to go lower on price, as he is selling out or running off in a few weeks or months.

Spain has been there before, like in the 90’s – it took some 7 years to get out of the mess, but now the overhang of unsold properties (and the building industry is essential to understand the economy in Spain) is now a lot higher. Prices for houses etc. have dropped (like the proverbial stone) but still people are weary of buying. Mortgage rates of (at the moment) 2% look nice, but everyone knows they will rise to 4 or 5% in a few years – and that means repayments will increase by some 50%.

Banks are tight of money – and are unwilling to lend to consumers and to companies. After all, taking out loans at 1% at the ECB and lending it for 5% to the state is a lot more interesting.

We have been facing the music now for 2 years, and at times it is really incredibly negative … So the next article will be about 6000, groupon and others, and faxes. Yes, the good old fax machine. You DO have to reinvent the wheel.